Microsoft Edge continues to position itself Opera GXSince it has just copied one of the most useful functions of this browser.
As reported by Windows LastingEdge recently added a new function for resource control, with which you can severely restrict the use of the browser. This can be useful when playing (or executing other demanding tasks), and you can even set it so that you only restrict RAM during the game. You can also access the browser to only 1 GB of memory so that you can be particularly stingy here. However, note that you limit this to about five active tabs while searching modern websites. The loading of pages can also take longer, especially if you have elements like videos.
Nevertheless, this could be worthwhile if you are really starved for RAM while executing Edge in the background. Let us assume that you have 16 GB RAM and you are in the middle of a game. You can then limit the edge to about 4 GB Max -Ram use, which should be sufficient so that you can quickly check e -mails or a copy without impairing your game performance.
While resource control has Was previously in betaMicrosoft now seemed to roll into the stable build from Edge for Windows, so that everyone should (or soon) have access to it. To find it, first update your browser to the latest version (under Settings > About Microsoft Edge), then click on the Three-point menu In the upper right corner and navigate too System and performance Use the sidebar that appears.
Here you scroll down Manage your performance and switch Resource control.
Credit: Khamosh Pathak
You will see a RAM slider that is installed from 1 GB to so much memory of your PC. Select the desired amount – Edge warns you if your choice slows down your browser, but it will not stop you.
Finally, choose whether you want to restrict RAM if you are PC games or always. I prefer convenience – I don’t really need it if I am outside of a game.