This Tikok cleaning method might have broken my fan

This Tikok cleaning method might have broken my fan

When spring moves closer and closer, I was excited to see a new trend on Tikkok, which claims that it could simply clean the fans – a fairly lengthy task – simply cleaned the machine and covered it with a plastic bag. I tried two different fans today and the results were not great. Here is what happened and what you can (and should) do instead.

My attempt at the Tikok fan Cleaning hack

First of all, it should look and work if you use a cleaning solution and a garbage or a plastic bag to “clean” your fan:

There are countless videos like this on Tikkok and all of them see Quite effective, so I really tried. Different creators recommend different cleaning solutions, such as rubbing alcohol or jet, but I decided to fill my spray bottle with diluted fabuloso with which I would clean the fan if I do it manually.

First I sat down my tower fan with a heavy spray and then put the bag over it. Nothing happened. No dust or dirt came into your pocket. I decided to honestly take this into a personal victory and to lime it to my fan, just not being disgusting and dirty enough. The goal here is supposedly to dampen the dust within the fan so far that it becomes heavy and tight enough to actually be blown out of the ventilation slots. I just didn’t have enough dirt!

A tower fan under a plastic bag

Credit: Lindsey Ellefson

However, my little carpenter definitely did it; It was real to look at it at all. I sprayed them off, put the bag over it for a full 10 minutes and … nothing. All the dirt was still visible when I removed the bag. None – and I don’t mean – attracts. But worse, my fan got too wet and faulty. It would not turn off. I think this is the main problem with this supposed hack: you cannot normally take off the device like you if you clean something with electrical components because you need it to blow air to complete the trick. Unfortunately, my fan calculates for me while he is inserted, and even the connector has not done anything. It had to run with water inside for an hour before the ability was switched off again. I undoubtedly damaged and/or broken by doing this.

A small fan under a pocket

Credit: Lindsey Ellefson

In short, this hack not only cleans the ventilation slots or does not sound, but also has the potential to damage your fan. I don’t care how many videos you see from which you see that people can successfully do this. It is not worth trying.

How to clean a fan instead

In this case, it is best to do things about the old school. Stuck your fan. For larger box fans, you should be able to unscrew the front panel and remove it, which makes you immerse the interior on the front in soap water (your tub is ideal for this). From there they wipe the blades with soap water. If you cannot or do not want this, simply use a vacuum with a brush attachment to suck dirt and grime through the ventilation slots and slats. Use soap water to wipe off the outer, including the cable, but you do not get any moisture near the connection of the cable or one of the buttons. They can be wiped off with a simple microfiber cloth. Here is a more comprehensive collapse.

Although I am sad that the refined trick did not work, I am happy for two reasons: I can stop her from trying it and my apartment smells good now that two of my fans have distributed fabuloso water through the air. They are the little things.

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