This modular telephone concept is Xiaomiā€™s plan to kill the camera base

This modular telephone concept is Xiaomiā€™s plan to kill the camera base

The key to success is the Laserlink technology from Xiaomi. This is a proprietary optical communication module that can be transferred as a small point on the back of the phone and the lens, where data is transmitted as light (close infrared laser) at a speed of up to 10 Gbit / s. It is quick enough to work with Xiaomis AI and computer photography on the phone in a way that traditional external lenses cannot.

The lens has two pens that connect on the back to pull electricity from the phone, and Xiaomi says that the performance of the lens is comparable to an integrated camera system. It is portable enough to slip into a bag or bag, and the simple plug-and-play nature makes it easy to use. This system could enable a whole range of special lenses for photographers. However, you have to remember to take you with you, which negates one of the great advantages of regular telephone cameras.

Xiaomi Modular Optical System A hand that holds a removable camera lens next to a close -up of the back of a black cell phone ...

Photo: Simon Hill

In view of the laser link technology and electricity transmission, it seems as if this system could enable a whole range of other magnetic accessories beyond photography. I think of chargers, power banks and Mobile phone -game controller (The low latency is perfect for games). One day one day it can also enable you to connect seamlessly to other devices in Xiaomiā€™s wider ecosystem, which includes the speaker, all types of smart home devices and even cars. There is no Qi2 support In the Xiaomi 15 area, but this new proprietary system could be the reason why it was overlooked.

Before you are too excited, this is still just a concept without a fixed publication plan or pricing. We saw GooglePresent LGPresent Motorolaand finally Hmd. But Xiaomiā€™s prototype was surprisingly polished and the potential of such a system is obvious. More balanced designs without a huge camera modules, but the option to keep up with a special camera when I have to? Register.

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