The general catalyst reports accordingly

The general catalyst reports accordingly

General Catalyst, the company company, is considering a IPO, Axios reported Friday morning, citing “several sources”.

Techcrunch has made a comment on the company’s managing partner, Hemant Tanja. In the meantime, those who follow General Catalyst’s trajectory will not be surprised by the prospect.

General Catalyst (GC) was founded 25 years ago as a small venture company in Cambridge, Mass., With $ 73 million in capital obligations. A decade later, armed with balloon assets and pre-IPO inserts to software companies such as Demandware and Brightcove, Taneja and the partner Neil Sacera at the time, a shop in a charming yellow building with a white trim at the University Avenue in Palo Alto. There, GC quickly made a name in the Bay area and cut software offers that are reminiscent of its success of the east coast and at the same time establish deep connections to Y combinator that have paid off. In 2011, the company secured a share of Airbnb. In 2012, it committed to supporting every Y combinator startup Sight invisible.

In the same year, in July 2012, GC led the series B Round for Stripe – Now, Combinators most successful alaun through evaluation, even if the Fintech -Riese claims that it has it “No immediate plansTo go publicly.

In the meantime, GC has grown exponentially itself. Although sequeira left In 2015 to start your own business, GC today has a extensive team with 20 managing directors, a fortune of over 30 billion US dollars and offices from San Francisco to Bengaluru. It has also expanded far beyond traditional company investments. Like us listed in October after talking to Taneja for A PodcastThe company is almost impossible to recognize its former itself. Among other things, it launched financing products, introduced an asset management business, acquired a small health system in Ohio and acquired two smaller risk companies.

One question that Axios asks – and it is a good thing – is whether GC will be the very first Venture company that goes public. It is not just a question of whether the company decides to go forward, but whether the mere speech of an offer accelerates the plans of other heavyweight companies such as Andreessen Horowitz, which apparently seem to have theirs Eyes at the same price.

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