The censors made the South Park film even worse without noticing

The censors made the South Park film even worse without noticing

From Robert Scucci
| Updated

If the term “studio interference” is expressed, one can certainly say that the film that has succumbed to the moods of its executive overlords will be an insult to the original vision of its creator. For Trey Parker and Matt Stone they saw the setback that they received from Paramount as a challenge of a life while working on it South Park: bigger, longer and uncut Because they thought that their series would end after the first seasons and decided that they did not want to go into the good night without not apologetically doing their own conditions.

Parker and Stone have been found and processed with new challenges from the studio with new challenges in the system with new challenges in the system by the notes they have received South Park: bigger, longer and uncut A much more profane and tasteless than the original script could ever have been dreamed of if they were allowed to do what they wanted to do at all.

Doubling the obscenity

South Park: bigger, longer and uncut

In the comment route for South Park: Bigger, longer and uncutTrey Parker speaks extensively about how he would somehow bring it into the final cut to calm the censorship in order to bring something worse. The most remarkable sequence that resulted from this back and forth between the creators of the show and the back and forth Paramount involved a scene in which Liane Cartman can be seen in a full-grown German scat film instead of a scene that is simply easy implied that she copulated with a horse.

The original scene, as written for South Park: bigger, longer and uncutcontained an off-screen exchange, on which the audience and other noises heard that indicated that Cartman’s mother enthusiastically connects with a rider. The updated scene that actually made it into the last theater cut actually Show What happens on the screen that the censors must have thought: “Faecal fetish films are okay for some reason.”

A joke that went over the heads of the studio leadership is the title of the film itself. The original title has thought since Paramount, South Park: All hell breaks offa disadvantage of the film’s box office, Parker and Stone would have decided to participate Bigger, longer and uncutThis is euphemism for the kind of men who did not carry out a certain procedure on their private parts than young.

A few weeks after the title we were familiar with South Park The Creators received a call from the studio managers over the double distance, which they initially not noticed, to which they replied: “Sorry, we had already printed 10,000 posters to advertise the film.”

Mittens behind the scenes

South Park: bigger, longer and uncut

South Park: bigger, longer and uncut A number of parking spaces from the studio were also exposed, such as Kid Rock, to carry out a rap rock cover from “Kyles Mom’s from*Tch”. They desperately tried to avoid a Kid Rock song that they had falsified their legacy and refused this request and instead took a punk folk version of “What would Brian Boitano do?” Recorded with a music video with a representation of the figure Skating legend, the chicken wings in favor of a heavy metal encryption.

Support financially South Park: bigger, longer and uncut Was another tedious torture that came in Matt Stone to steal Paramount’s version of the theater trailer -completely with a needle -drop gags and a crazy Voice -Oover, which he and Trey Parker absolutely hated -and hid it over a long weekend in the trunk of his car.

After he had been advised by her lawyer that he had to return Paramount because he had just committed a crime, Stone reluctantly returned the film roles to the studio.

After losing the fight for physical property that he did not want to see the light of the day, the war was won by the South Park Creator because they successfully convinced the studio that they would not drive the project ahead if they could use the trailer they created themselves.

Held on their weapons and the rest is history

South Park: bigger, longer and uncut

Trey Parker and Matt Stone sincerely believed that South Park: bigger, longer and uncut I would be her swan song before he went into the dark, and consequently fought to a tooth and nail to ensure that her vision was fully realized.

This non-free mentality served them well because the film was a massive success and achieved sales of over $ 83 million compared to its registered production budget of $ 21 million.

By staying true to yourself and your creation on every step of the way in the form of the fight with the studio with every chance you have South Park Creators have released a film on which they can say that they are proud and thanks to their willingness to transform their flagship series into the Juggernaut, which is just more relevant today.

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