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Cleaning can be overwhelming for everyone at some point – and create a habit or schedule You will actually hold on, a large part of the problem can be. Like this case with other tasks like how Disorder and organizationHowever, one way of breaking the postponement is to find the most suitable method for you. Here are five of my favorites you can try.
The Flylady technique for stress-free cleaning
The Flylady cleaning methodIt is about becoming popular by organizational guru Marla Cilley in order to achieve a soothing, simple cleaning routine that does not emphasize. Tap The usefulness of this methodBreak your home in “zones” and then devote 15 minutes a day of the zone to work on. Yes, it takes time and does not work immediately, but as Cilley puts it, “it didn’t get dirty in one day and it doesn’t get clean overnight.” This is how the zones are separated:
Zone 1 is your entrance, veranda and dining room. You complete this zone in the first week of the month.
Zone 2 is the kitchen that is made during the first full Week of the month, what in the first week in which there are seven full days.
Zone 3 Is the main bathroom and another room in your house, e.g. B. an office or a pantry. This happens in the second full week of the month.
Zone 4 is the main sleeping room and its cupboards and its bathroom in the third full week.
Zone 5 If the living room is, but since it is not a full week, it can overlap with zone 1. It is likely that your living room will be near your entrance. This helps to make this seamlessly if you finally include Zone 1 in your schedule.
If your home is interpreted differently or you have your own unique concerns, play the zones to meet your requirements, but try to dedicate a week every month and to follow the same schedule.
The one -hour method when you have a big chaos
Above all, I am a supporter of cleaning in small times over time over the course of days or weeks. In most cases, 15 minutes a day is everything you need Influence on the cleanliness of your house over time. As soon as you have made it to the habit of doing this, the house remains cleaner and needs less work, which creates a self -reinforcing circulation of smaller cleaning burst. Before you get to this point, however, you may have one or two large chaos and in this case possibly longer, which is why the cleanok influencer is the reason @Mommyhasnthowered suggest The “one -hour” rule. This is how it sounds: You clean for an uninterrupted hour, only concentrate on cleaning up and stop when the hour is finished and reward you with something that you enjoy, like ice cream or a favorite show.
The use of this is subjective and probably depends on how urgently the situation is. If you have someone or the chaos is so large that you burden your mental health, you may have to get this longer working session out. If the chaos is big, but you would rather take it a little by piece, this is not for you! However, note motivation. Every approach has mental and emotional advantages. The trick is to find out in which you want to use yourself.
The approach of 20/10, because if they are not motivated
The 20/10 approach Combines elements of my beloved daily short -term plan And The one -hour method. It comes from Rachel Hoffman’s book from 2017, UNF*CK your habitat: you are better than your chaos And just asks her to clean for 20 minutes and then take a 10-minute break. It reminds of them Pomodoro productivity technologyWhat encourages them to work for 25 minutes, then break for five, then return to him – but here they have less working hours and more time. As soon as your 10 minutes have expired, get back into the game and clean them even more for another 20. However, if you do this two or four times, we do not want to be overwhelmed again. What I find most useful is the 10-minute break at the point that I have just cleaned so that I can really enjoy my result. When I cleaned my living room, I take this break on the couch and enjoy my proper environment. When I clean the kitchen, I will eat a snack over the counter, where everything is clean and confusing. Remember that you not only clean, but also for a benefit, which is mostly freedom to enjoy a decent, lighter room.
If you really don’t know where to start when you want to clean up for the day Try the one-tool method. This approach is based on some of the classic cleaning advice that I love (like not to do everything at once), but it is easily turned on the head: where you would normally approach one Zone If you move from area to area in a few days Task at the time. If you use the “One Tool” framework, you will break one of my cardinal rules that do not jump from room to space during a planned cleaning period of the day. Get the same tools every day. Do this every few weeks to put on things, and it will be bored less.
So, on your first day, maybe you dust. Perhaps in your second you vacuum. On her third, maybe Mop. You have the idea. Select a tool or task and press every room in your house.
Junibugging if you cannot concentrate
Sometimes you know what needs to be cleaned, but you just can’t concentrate on it. Tap this and go with a method that enables you to attack the problem without thinking too hard. The correct approach here is The Junebug method. There is a chance that you have demonstrated this or at least mentions on CleantokBut the earliest indication of the idea actually Came past TumblrWhere a user explained that despite his ADHD, he imagined that he was like a Junibug: “You have ever seen.”
Here you embody this, the area you want to clean and then concentrate on a specific location. So if the kitchen has to be excited, concentrate on the sink. You can wash the dishes in it, put them away and then be distracted when you notice that a closet has to be wiped off. After wiping the closet, remember that you should be on the sink. Go back to him to search it or give the tap a swipe. As you do this, you can find that you can also deviate the handles and pull on the drawers, fridge and oven. Do that, but always return to the starting point. This practice weighs her in a simple routine. As long as you keep returning to the first place and branch off, you move in simple circles and actually let your guidelines, what you would normally distract.