Star Trek: The next generation of hate plot fans were originally worse

Star Trek: The next generation of hate plot fans were originally worse

From Chris Snellgrove
| Published

While it is a great episode in most respects, many, many Star Trek: The next generation The fans have learned to hate the episode ā€œBooby Trapā€. This is due to a creepy subplot in which Geordi Laforge falls in love with a hologram of engineer Leah Brahms, and he makes things incredibly strange (we talk about: the last border) when he meets the real woman in a later episode. However, these fans should know that it could be worse: originally this hated action would interact with Brahms and ultimately save the day.

Why Star Trek made almost worse

If the main actor participates in this Cringeny Star Trek story, it may have made it even worse. Fortunately, thanks to the showrunner Michael Piller, we had to recognize this, who had the feeling that ā€œit should be geordi because Geordi is in love with the ship and this is a story about a man in love with his ā€™57 Chevy.ā€ Despite what some fans think now, Piller did not see this as a kind of character ā€¦ instead, he thought that it played in Geordiā€™s character who has always been a fiddling guy for women, but if he could just marry his car, he would live happily. ā€œ

Admittedly, as a huge star Trek, we were a bit difficult to imagine Foreigner Booby Trap) clearly requires the talent of an engineer. But maybe itā€™s not so crazy: in the earlier episode ā€œ11001001ā€ he competed with Riker for the affection of a hologram. Therefore, a subplot in which he had his own flirting fascination for the holographic Leah Brahms was not so out of place.

In addition, the finished version of it Star Trek The episode had Picard to fly the ship out of the Titular Booby trap personally. This gives us an entertaining insight into Picardā€™s internal control freak ā€¦ his need to throw out an experienced Melmsman so that he can prove that his pilot abilities have not subsided. For this reason, the earlier history of history in which Picard Leah Brahms would have consulted, instead of leaving it to an experienced engineer, would not really be so implausible.

While it is fun to imagine the picard-centered story that we could have, some Star Trek fans may be more interested in learning that ā€œBooby Trapā€ is specially available Because He feels more comfortable in terms of machines than women. Geordi is creepy in this episode to the Brahms HOLOGURE and the real woman in ā€œGalaxys Childā€, hostile, and these consequences disturbed certain fans because the stories did not match the usual personality of the friendly engineer. No less than Michael Piller (probably the best writer Tng Had ever seen this as a natural part of Geordiā€™s unhappy arc and not as a dramatic outlier.

Star Trek: The next generation Fans generally like ā€œBooby Trapā€, except for some of the Seating scenes that bravely fly, where it has never been frightened before. It is not clear whether Picard would have made these scenes less creepy. Most likely, the presence of the character would make the captain less likeable. Picardā€™s reputation was spared thanks to a change of screenplay, but Geordi suffered a warp core violation that it never really recovered.

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