From Chris Snellgrove
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One of the things that science fiction fans like to argue online is what their favorite characters really makes heroic. For example, some fans like characters who are flawless paragones of virtue, while others prefer less than perfect characters who overcome their shortcomings and have to rise to the occasion. Battlestar Galactica The restart of showrunner Ronald Moore prefers these incorrect heroes, which he hadn’t gotten much better in the first episodes of season 1.
Battlestar Galactica Heroes
Moore’s blog answer to this question is unlikely that it will be surprised for many years Battlestar Galactica Fans because the show did everything to present their heroes more incorrect than the protagonists of others Sci-fi TV programs and films. In this special case, the fan had written to ask the showrunner why discipline was so bad and why Commander Adama made the matter worse in “Lacchmus” by declaring himself above the law about the law. Moore made it clear that “this was a conscious creative choice” because he found it more heroic to show normal people who overcome extraordinary circumstances.
The Battlestar Galactica Showrunner emphasized that this show is not about the kind of heroes that we usually see on TV. “It is a thing for the best ship, with the best crew that deals with the end of the world and a long flight from an relentless enemy,” he said, “it is quite different if they were only a bunch of people who attempted to get through.” This observation applies in particular when you consider that the Galactica itself got into pensioners at the beginning of the mini series and transformed it into a museum, and now their sophisticated crew is being thrown into a constant struggle for their lives.
Ronald Moore has made it clear to the fan that “I find it a more challenging and interesting environment in which I can tell stories.” This is probably because of it Star Trek: The next generationA show that expressly contained the best ship and the best crew in the galaxy that solved a lot of problems every week. When he started leading his own show, he deliberately created a writing function by putting perfectly imperfect characters into an apparently impossible situation.
While Battlestar Galactica Is now rightly considered a masterpiece, some critics thought at the time that it is strange for the heroes of the show to have such defects. For example, Colonel Tigh is an alcoholic, Doctor Baltar is a fraud and Starbuck is almost self -destructive. But Moore has made it clear to the fan, who wrote that “I find these people more heroic in their actions, only through the nature of the obstacles that they have to overcome in their daily existence.” To put it, it is simply more convincing to see how an everyday Joe fights with an almost insurmountable obstacle than watching a flawless person with zero difficulties.
Hear how that Battlestar Galactica Showrunner sees that his heroes are opened quite a bit because it basically describes Ronald Moore’s approach to the entire series. He played that the audience was more ready for faulty characters than for flawless paragons of virtue, and gambling has paid off: he successfully created one of the best science fiction series that were ever made. Now we can only hope that future showrunner will be ready to roll these cubes and make another gambling that changes the entire genre.
However, these future showrunner have to channel the wisdom Adama in this game of chance: “Sometimes you have to roles the hard six.”