Omeda Studios starts update for the predecessor Moba because the players outperform 2 million

Omeda Studios starts update for the predecessor Moba because the players outperform 2 million

Omeda Studios Has announced that his Player Count has crossed two million because a new 1.4 update for the MOBA predecessor of MOBA action is forwarded by free-to-to-to-to-to-to-toD-to-to-on6.

predecessorPatch 1.4 is the first time the eagerly awaited Boris performed as a playable hero. The Bestie -Refored will dominate the battlefield and combine modern technology with primeval power. The players will finally be able to experience his exciting skills, in particular his powerful Ursine Burst – an ultimate ability that enables Boris to load forward at lightning speed, grab the first enemy hero on his way and hit her in the ground. The effects of this also send shock waves and cause considerable damage to the enemies in the area.

The player counts impressive and a confirmation of Omeda’s strategy when you consider that the game has come back from the dead. Epic Games started working on the title, then called Paragon years ago Robbie Singh agreed to acquire it in 2021.

The predecessor has a new combat pass

After four years of development (and $ 22 million collected US dollars, including some about a Brant from Epic Games), the Omeda Studios of Singh finally started the title in August 2024. The game made their debut on the PCs, PlayStation and Xbox Platforms and now has two million players on all platforms. As a result of the success, the team grew from about five to 10 to over 80 at the beginning of the development.

As well as the long -awaited arrival of Boris, 1.4 the introduction of see PreyA brand new way for players to get a large selection of in-game articles in their hands. By concluding various challenges in the game and in seasonal and community events, prey seeds can take part.

● There are two types of prey nuclei: ion seeds and quantum seeds. Ion nuts fall together, unusual and rare prey, while the quantum cores fall on the legendary prey.
● Both can drop amber, platinum and opal.
● With the opal shop you can output opales that are earned by prey seeds or event rewards such as slaughter cards.
● An ION peak core is available daily in the main business, which can be bought with amber.
● Opening 4 quantum loot nuclei in a row guarantees rare or higher skin if you have not yet received any.

In addition, prey seeds can also be obtained in the brand new Shadow Ops Battle Pass. The latest Battle Pass focuses on a mysterious new organization in the world of the predecessor and offers players exclusive rewards and up to 60 levels for those who buy the premium upgrade. Many prey seeds will also be available and give players the opportunity to unlock objects for each individual hero.

Patch 1.4 For the predecessor, on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, is to be published at around 12:00 GMT and contains several updates and corrections for game content, including Voice chat implementation, texts -Chat -Upgrades and improved user -defined game functions. Omeda’s other founders are Andrea Garella and Steven Meilleur.

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