Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church: proud boys

Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church: proud boys

The Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church In Washington DC Recently pulled “A backward” Make yourself in the right -wing extremist group The Proud Boys. The church took over ownership of the group brand. However, the deprivation of power comes only years after the group of the church. According to reports, the incident occurred in 2020.

The Checkmate of the Church is definitely an undeniable legal profit. However, it is also a brave statement against hate.

Now, The shadow room COrrespondent From Burns-Tucker collapses why this is switched on ‘TSR Newz. ‘

Further details on the property of the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church about the mark of the proud boy

According to Burns-Tucker, the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church has started history since 1838. According to the host, icons such as Frederick Douglas and Booker T. Washington went through the church doors. And now the church has written the story again and legally has the name of the proud boy.

In addition, everything has happened after the proud boys were hit – and reports reported in delay – a judgment on paying 2.8 million US dollars for damages for the church. According to reports, the damage was reported by the group, which destroyed a black sign of life at the location during a Pro Trump rally.

More details about the brave step of the church

The brave step of the church seems to mark the first time in the history of the nation that a black institution has the rights of a white supremacist group.

“This decision effectively prevents the proud boys from operating under their own name and benefiting their brand without the consent of the Church. It is an important legal precedent “ Burns-Tucker explains to the audience.

Scrochen above to see how Burns-Tucker reports how a proud boy leader reacted to the Checkmate of the Church. In addition, the host announces how the church reacted to the hate of the proud boy.

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