At the beginning of the “Seinfeld” episode “The Pie” (February 17, 1994), Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld), Audrey (Suzanne Snyder), tries to feed a bit of apple pie, but she refuses without giving a reason. The refusal to eat something that is offered a peer becomes a motif of the episode. Later the couple goes to a restaurant that Audrey’s father belongs, but refuses to eat a pane pizza that she offers him. She immediately understands that this little social is easily a form of revenge. As in all episodes of “Seinfeld”, something tines and ancillary excitus through a huge network of neuroses become a massively unpleasant faux pas.
George (Jason Alexander) later celebrated dinner with a potential employer in a restaurant. George notices that a rival of him is in the kitchen of the restaurant and suspects that his food could have been spoiled in any way. When his potential employer Mackenzie (Lane Davies) George offers a bit of chocolate cream cake, he rejects. This amazes Mackenzie because he just said George how important it was to adapt and to be a team player. One of Mackenzie’s compatriots prevents himself and says, with an intensive reason: “If you are one of us, you will take a bite.” Unnecessary to mention that George’s refusal to eat the cake loses the job for him.
It seems that “if you belong to one of us, take you a bite” is a series of dialogue that Jerry Seinfeld still uses in casual conversations to this day. “His field”, although initially hateOf course, has introduced a lot of casual colloquialism into the pop lexicon since then. “Close-Talker”, “Hallo, Newman”, “Fancy Boy”, “Sponge-Bell”, “Soup Nazi”, etc. But in a Reddit AMA from 2013Jerry Seinfeld admitted that the “Take a Bite” line stayed with him. He repeats it when he shares a meal with his children.
If you are one of us, take a bite.
Seinfeld admitted that it was a strange line to move away from a timely mega hit series with a period of 180 episodes in nine seasons. Nevertheless, “a bit” is the one who is. He likes to use it when his children. As he wrote:
“The only line that I quote from the show (and I will be very impressed if someone who remembers this line) reads:” If you are one, you will take a bite. “I tell the children a lot to my children. Often children don’t want to try certain foods, and I will sometimes use this line.
“Oh, humanity!” Of course, was the notorious sentence that was screamed by journalist Herbert Morrison when he exploded the Hindenburg on this fateful day in 1937. But the sentence was made by Newman (Newman (Wayne Knight likes his work in the courtroom) In the “Seinfeld” episode “The Pothole” (February 20, 1997). In this episode, Newman drove his mail delivery car when he met a sewing machine in the middle of the street (and we don’t have to get on how it got there). He began to drag the machine under the car and created a sparkling shower. Then he drove over a puddle of color thinners, spilled by Kramer (“The Michael Richards Show” Star Michael Richards). When the underside of his truck broke out in flame, he screamed: “Oh, humanity!” Yes, his field took that.
Strangely enough, his field did not take any of his own dialogue into the real world.