This article contains spoiler For “invincible” season 3.
“Invincible” season 3 brings the Marvel Cinematic universe shame In terms of storytelling, especially after the final, in which Mark Grayson (Steven Yeun) sees Conquest (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), one of the strongest bad guys in the comicsTo death with his head. The fight soaked with the gore not only delivers brutality, but it is also the type of character-driven action sequence that is currently missing from the more spectacular superhero tariff on the screen. Of course, the big question that occurs in the fourth “invincible” season is whether the conquest is actually dead after it was beaten by Mark to Mush. To answer this question, we have to look at the comics.
Markus sees the “invincible” finale of the third season to see the remains of Conquest so that he knows that he is dead. However, the deception is in progress, since the episode with the revelation ends that Cecil Stedman (Walton Goggins) has the true body and intends to question the Viltrumite warrior, a scene that is lifted directly from the starting material. No matter how noble his intentions are, that will probably not end well for Cecil.
In short, conquest is still alive – unless the animated Amazon Prime Video adaptation decides to die while it is captivation of what will not happen because more drama can be dismantled when he survives the bad guy. In addition, the creator Robert Kirkman has more or less confirmed the return of the character in season 4.
Conquest will return in an invincible season 4
The “Invincible” season 3 post-creditits sequence Damien Darkblood (Clancy Brown) and a high -ranking demon as Big Bads in the fourth season, so that the audience can expect a hellish drama to develop. However, fans can also look forward to publishing his enemies more chaos, with Robert Kirkman telling Entertainment weekly This antagonist by Jeffrey Dean Morgan will include the chaos. As he explained:
“I think a Cecil who interviewed the conquest scene with Walton Goggins and Jeffrey Dean Morgan would be a pretty cool, intensive scene.” I think it is certainly to say that Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s conquest will return in a way. “
The Image Comics series contains another fight between Mark Grayson and conquest before the latter is ultimately defeated. In this sense, the villain will not only survive on the show, but will probably receive another sensible action before it is put down once and for all. The comics also offer an alternative universe version of Conquest. If he dies in the Amazon Prime Video series, there could be other ways to surround the character in the whole line.