Amina Bouayach, President of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH), was appointed head of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (Ganhri) on behalf of the African continent. The president of the President of the CNDH was supported by the African network of national human rights institutions (Rinadh) during his general assembly, which took place today at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva.
Last January, Rinadh Amina Bouayach appointed the Allianz presidency. “As a secretary of the world of alliance of national human rights institutions, an extraordinary leadership has shown in the past three years, in which she took part in the management of the university.”Underlined the network in a letter. “Your extensive experience of representing the Allianz in international forums, his strategic leadership in the supervision of the key operations and their unshakable commitment to promote human rights makes it the ideal candidate for this position”Legally the Rinadh.
At the end of the GA in Geneva, Joseph Whittall, President of Rinadh and the President of the national human rights institution of Ghana, underlined the total support of Africa in Amina Bouayach. “We made a massive mood for this appointment”he said.