How to relieve pain from the movement

How to relieve pain from the movement

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The most difficult part of the installation of a training routine may start, but the second highest part is to find out what to do when it is time for further training, but you are still sore from the first. In the following I will share some tips on relieving this pain – but even more important, I will tell you what not to do. Maybe the most surprising thing: you probably Shouldn’t Skip your next training.

Know how normal pain feels

Before we discuss what to do, let’s take a minute to understand how you feel and why. It is not lactic acid (this is a myth), but a phenomenon known as cathedral for “delayed sore muscles”. It most likely happened when you do something different from what you are used to. This may mean founding a new training routine, but it can also happen in people who are already fit, but try a new sport or even a slight change in their routine.

Doms can feel pretty brutal, but it’s not serious. It does not mean that your muscles are seriously damaged and that you will not hurt yourself by ignoring it. Just to ensure that we are on the same side, normal cathedral:

  • It hurts the most when you wake up in the morning or if you have been sitting for a while

  • Feels better with movement

  • Hurts when you use the muscle And When you stretch the muscle

  • Usually the day after training (and not on the same day) and can take several days

  • Is often the worst two Days after the exercise that caused it

There are diseases that can also cause sore muscles. So ask a doctor if you believe that it may be more than the usual cathedral situation. One condition that is worth considering is the rhubdomyolysis, which is muscle damage, which becomes serious enough to cause muscle breakdown and kidney problems. Dark colored urine (often called “tea” or “cola colored”) is a huge red flag-if you notice this. I wrote more here About the differences between normal pain and the type that medical help needs.

But most likely you only have a normal case of cathedral. If that sounds right, we talk about what to do about it.

Make an active calm or gentle movement

You may not feel like moving at all, but it is worth fighting the urge to lie in bed. As soon as they have got up and move, the cathedral will at least fade. Definitely not Call all the plans for the day you wake up for the first time – this is the worst thing that will feel all day.

So go for a walk. This is my point of contact if I don’t feel great. If you have access to a spin bike, moving your legs helps with little resistance to relieve pain. Cyclists will talk about the “rinsing” of the muscles with light pedaling. Whether that is scientifically or not, it seems to help. If you are interested in yoga, a day you are sore is a good time to make a gentle yoga. You can even look up Relaxation yoga Follow for some videos.

Movement helps to alleviate the pain of cathedral, but it does not necessarily make it disappear completely – if you sit down for a while to watch away, the pain will be back when your show is over and you get up. The only thing that can disappear is time, so you have to be patient. In the meantime, you will find a few things here that you should try to support your body for temporary relief when it is naturally eliminated things.

Take a warm bath or visit the sauna

Warmth tends to feel better with the muscles of the heat, so this is a great time for Beat the saunaIf your gym has one. You can also use one Electrical heating pillows like thisOr take a hot bath. EPSOM salt baths are popular for aching muscles, but the minerals in bathing water do not reach their muscles. If you add you to a bathroom, you can still smell it well (get it Lavender fragrant species) and can feel that they are doing something special for themselves. So use them when you enjoy them.

Give yourself a massage

Gentle pressure can feel good on aching muscles. So consider treating yourself to a massage or asking someone to rub a back on them. A Foam roller is a good way to give yourself a “even myfascial liberation” (I am convinced, that is nothing more than a unusual word for the massage) or overlook one Massage weapon.

Eat well and sleep well

If you are sore, it is a good time to pay more attention to yourself. Anecdotically, I find sleep helps to deal with pain: when I stay late, I am more likely to hurt the next day. Even a lot of protein is not harmful because protein is important for building muscles. And Carbohydrates are important for relaxation and fuelSo I wouldn’t save on this either.

What is not to be done when they are sore

Myths are abandoned, so I would like to call a few specific things that are better off not do.

  • Intensive stretching. Gentle movement is fine, but deep or painful routes can cause muscle damage.

  • Ice or cold falls. This is a bit controversial, but can affect the healing process.

  • Take ibuprofen if you don’t really need it. If you need a pain reliever to survive the day, it is okay to take one. But if you start to take ibuprofen regularly – as after every training session – it Can hinder your recovery.

Do not skip your training

If you feel sore, you are probably trying to stay at home with Netflix instead of bringing your pain body back to the gym. But resting doesn’t help much in the long run. If you get used to the training, you will never get used to it if you get used to it every time you have the idea of ​​starting again.

So go back to the gym or make your way to another run or whatever your schedule for today. Make some Efforts to continue the schedule that you have set up for yourself written program Or a promise that you would go to the gym a certain number of times a week.

Make you warm up first, but you gradually relieve it. If you plan to take a run, start with a rapid walk and see how a simple jogging feels. If it is a lifting day, start lighter weights than usual and add only as much weight as you feel like you have the feeling.

Even if you cannot manage your regular training, you are still doing it somethingAnd this buys insurance against future pain. After today’s training, you won’t be nearly as sore as before. Scientists call this Repeated seizure effect: Every training session (every “attack” of the training) protects against pain from the next.

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