How to have your sex brought back naturally

How to have your sex brought back naturally

Low libido
Sign // Causes // Relief // More help

If you have experienced a slump in your sex drive lately, ask yourself whether it is only a short break or a more serious sign of a low libido.

It is normal for your needs over time EBB and flow. Your sex drive can lose weight if you are between relationships, argue with your partner or deal with work stress. It can also revise if you are in a new relationship, feel extraordinary or watch again Bridger tone.

It is also common for female libido to slow down with age, especially during perimenopause and menopause. Studies intend to Up to 55 percent of women experience a reduced sexual desire during menopause.

So what causes a low libido and how can you increase your sex drive naturally? We are here to find out.

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Signs of low libido

There is no uniform metric that defines a healthy libido. So focus on how you feel About your current frequency. “Every sex drive is different, so ‘normal’ really depends on what feels natural and fulfilling for them,” says Edmond Hakimi, tooA doctor and medical director of internal medicine in Wellbridge.

Some frequent signs of low libido are:

  • Persistent lack of sexual activities
  • Less sexual thoughts
  • Difficulties to be excited
  • Feel separated emotionally or physically during intimacy

“If these changes disturb them or influence their relationships, this could be a sign of low libido,” added Hakimi. “The key is to pay attention to how you feel and whether your wish meets what you want for yourself and your relationship.”

What causes a low libido in women?

If you deal with a libido with a lower than usual, a variety of physical, emotional and social factors could contribute to this. Here are some of the most common causes of a low sex drive in women.


Woman sits in bed while partner is sleeping | How to increase libido in women

“Chronic stress is one of the largest libido murderers,” says Holly Wood, PhD, LMFTA doctor of human sexuality and from aasect-certified sex therapists in San Clemente, California.

“If you are constantly stressed about work, finance or other living conditions, your body exposes stress hormones like CortisolWhat can affect your ability to relax and enjoy sexual experiences. “

The Cortisol reaction is intended to tackle immediate threats to order the release of adrenaline and blood sugar and to depreciate other body functions. But chronic stress can make this reaction constant, its energy level and motivation to call up the reproductive function, and cause physical symptoms such as tension and tiredness.

All of this can make it more difficult to get into the mood, says Wood.

Hormone changes

“Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are important players in sexual desire,” says Hakimi. “If these hormones are in balance, Libido tends to be stronger.”

But when there are hormones out of balanceOr the hormone level begins to sink with age. You may find changes in your libido. “During perimenopause and menopause, the estrogen level, which can lead to vaginal drought and symptoms during gender, can reduce the sexual interest while the falling testosterone level can reduce,” adds Hakimi.

Relationship problems

If your relationship has been tense lately, this can dampen your wish. “Unresolved conflicts, lack of communication or trust problems with a partner can create an emotional distance that can turn to physical distance,” says Wood. “If you do not feel connected or secure in your relationship, it is of course that your desire for intimacy decreases.”

Alcohol, smoking and other substance consumption

Woman smoking outside | How to increase libido in women

A current Meta -analysisIn seven studies, more than 50,000 women were involved in the fact that alcohol increases the likelihood of sexual dysfunction in women by 74 percent.

“While one or two drinks can sometimes help people relax, excessive alcohol consumption can actually lower their sex drive over time,” says Wood. “Alcohol is a depression and drinking too much can affect the body’s ability to experience excitement.”

Smoking can also affect your sex drive. Research has associated it Hormone fluctuations that can cause sexual dysfunction in women. Leisure drug use can also lead to long -term changes in sexual function, adds Wood.

Health concerns are based

Certain chronic diseases can cause physical symptoms that make sexual activities less comfortable or desirable, says Wood. If you or your partner have sexual dysfunction, this can also affect your libido. Negative experiences in the past and certain mental health problems (including depression, anxiety and negative body image) can also have an impact.

If you have the feeling of experiencing sexual dysfunction that may be medical or psychological origin, you should contact a medical specialist.

7 natural ways to increase libido

Regardless of what a low libido causes, you can take some simple measures to try to charge your sex drive. And even outside the bedroom, these healthy habits can help improve their general well -being and hormone balance.

1. Practice mindfulness for stress reduction

Woman breathing exercise on yoga mat | How to increase libido in women

If you keep your stress in chess, you can prevent these spikes in cortisol that can disturb the hormonal balance. “To cope with stress, try it with Mindfulness practices How meditation or Deep breathing exercises“Hakimi says.

You can start practicing mindfulness in non-sexual situations and gradually involving these concepts in moments of intimacy: minimize distractions, concentrate on your breathing and train your attention at the moment.

2. Increase your physical activity

“Libido will benefit from improvement Blood flowPresent Mood moodAnd Reduce stress – Factors that all improve sexual health, ”says Hakimi. “Regular physical activity also helps to compensate for hormones and strengthen trust in your body.”

To increase libido, your training routine should have a mixture of:

3. Eat for sex life you want

Western nutrition is indirect Connected with sexual dysfunction. Replacing with one that is completely, balanced and nutrient-rich can help improve heart health, the hormone balance and the energy level-the libido can influence.

Hakimi suggests concentrating on full -value food such as fruit, vegetables, Whole grain productsPresent slim proteinsAnd Healthy fat. While the evidence of certain foods that increase libido are limited, joint examples of the above include:

“On the other hand, a diet high in Processed foods And sugar can juice their energy and negatively influence their hormones, ”adds Hakimi. In particular, excess sodium is negative associated with a vessel (blood flow) health and should be consumed in moderation.

4. Consider certain nutritional supplements

Woman who holds supplementary pills

Together with a balanced diet plan, certain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can also help support a healthy libido. Here are some that you may want to consider adding your supplementary routine:

  • Zinc. Lack of zinc was associated with a break -in testosterone levels and a lower sexual function. (This may be the reason why oysters have the call as an aphrodisiac Best food source From this essential mineral, which offers almost three times the recommended daily value per serving.)*
  • Omega-3S. “Omega-3 fatty acids in fish such as salmon help to reduce inflammation and improve the circulation,” says Hakimi, what Libido can benefit from.*
  • Ashwagandha. The Adaptogen herb Supports a healthy sleep and helps your body to adapt to stress.*
  • Ginkgo biloba. Extract from the leaves of the Ginkgo tree was examined in Limited research to determine its impact on sexual function.
  • Ginseng. Some studies have found favorable effects of this root on the excitement and improvement of sexual function in certain subpopulations.*

5. aim at least seven hours of sleep

If you have not received enough closure, this may be able to influence your libido-but even a small change in your sleeping plan can help. A study showed that participants who got an additional hour of sleep 14 percent more likely Exercise sexual activities the next day.

“Sleep is crucial for a healthy libido,” says Hakimi. “Poor sleep disturbs hormone production and increases stress and tiredness that all can reduce sexual desire.”

To support a healthy sex drive, Hakimi recommends aiming for seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Limit the screen time, severe meals and caffeine too close to bedtime, as they can affect the quality of sleep.

6. Entry habits occur

“Cutting up smoking and restricting alcohol can increase the energy and blood flow, both of which support a healthy sex drive,” says Hakimi. And of course they will harvest a lot Other healthy advantages to boot.

7. Strengthen your relationship

If you navigate changes in your libido, it is important to maintain open communication with your partner. “Without communication, it is easy to develop misunderstandings or feelings of rejection,” says Hakimi. “Discuss what works, what does not work and how you can work together to rebuild intimacy.”

Strengthening your emotional connection outside the bedroom can also help improve the sex drive. Small gestures such as holding hands, cuddling or deep conversations can make a big difference, he says.

Do you need more help?

Woman at Doctor's appointment | How to increase libido in women

“If you have tried these strategies and still feel stuck, do not hesitate to contact a health service provider,” says Hakimi. “You can help identify underlying causes and adapt a plan to help you feel like you yourself.”

*These statements were not assessed by the Food and Drug Administration. This product should not diagnose, treat, heal or prevent illness.

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