Rabat-die upcoming high-ranking Ramadan-Foundar Ceremony in the Grand Mosque of Paris attracts a dramatic turn of events, since the media suspect further tensions between Algeria and France.
French news agency Agence France press said Rip Between the two countries, the mosque places in an “unpleasant position” for its “connection with Algiers”.
The mosque organizes the fourth iftar for ambassadors on Tuesday, with the French media proposing that the ceremony will mark the presence of French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Karrot.
French interior minister Bruno Retailleau will not take part in the Iftar. The French minister strongly criticized Algeria and, because of its constant refusal to receive the Algerian nationals back, held back due to their irregular status in France.
AFP said the mosque usually received dozens of imams from Algeria, but the consulate in the European country did not receive any visa inquiries from Algiers in the crisis between the two countries.
“The situation is complicated,” the rector of the Mosque Chems-Eddine Hafiz told AFP.
Experts cited in the news agency, including sociologist Franck Fregosi, who said that the mosque had “the consequences of deterioration in ties between the two countries”.
AFP remembered a situation that contributed to the deterioration of connections when France reported to the mosque to organize a “highly professional monopolistic halal certification system” for European products for algeria “with the support of the Algerian authorities”.
The report also remembered how the mosque rector was examined for its connection with Algeria.
In January, the former French ambassador to Algiers Xavier Driencourt asked the rector not to concentrate on “religion, not politics”, and added that the rector is not “unofficial ambassador from Algeria”.
However, the rector defended the mosque and found that he never “hid the fact that it has a relationship between Algeria and France”.
“We are a virtuous bridge between the two. This is not a question of influence or the like, ”he told reporters this month.
Running crisis
The tensions between the two countries have recently reached an alarming level, whereby the two countries shared allegations and blamed each other for the deteriorating crisis.
Last week the French Interior Minister Retailleau threatened to leave Emmanuel Macron Government When his country gave up a permanent attitude against Algeria and his refusal to accept the return of his nationals.
In January, Retailleau said that Algeria’s decision was aimed at humiliating France.
“We have reached an extremely worrying threshold with Algeria,” Retailleau explainedAnd notes that “France cannot tolerate this situation. During the maintenance of our serenity, we now have to evaluate all funds available to us in relation to algeria. “
France reacted to Algeria’s decision by restricting the trip to some Algerian dignitaries and found that his country was willing to take further steps when Algeria refused.
Algeria said that the travel restrictions were a “new provocation from France”, in which it was claimed that it was not “informed” about the measures against its nationals.
New developments in the gap between the two countries remain because Algeria has again called the French ambassador to Algiers to express his dissatisfaction with the “ridiculously low rents” for 61 properties taken over by France in Algeria.
Summary is the second of its kind in less than a month. On March 6th, Algeria also summoned the French ambassador and claimed that the Chergui 2025 Military The exercise between Morocco and France would be seen as a “act of provocation”.
The decision of the regime comes when Algeria insulted in France’s newly discovered position in Western Sahara.
In July last year, France recognized the sovereignty of Morocco about his southern provinces in the Sahara, a decision that Algiers regarded as a further “provocative law”.
For decades, Algeria’s regime has supported the Polisario front, a separatist group that questions the territorial integrity of Morocco. The Algerian regime supports the claims and supports Polisario financially and logistically through military training and much more.