Dirham/dollar: AGR revises its forecasts down

Dirham/dollar: AGR revises its forecasts down

Attijari Global Research (AGR) has slightly reduced his forecasts from the USD/MAD couple on Horizon 1, 2 and 3 months. These forecasts take into account the conditions of EUR/USD parity and liquidity conditions on the exchange market and provide AGR in its note “Weekly Mad Insights Currencies” for the period from March 3 to 7.

Analysts indicate that the EUR/USD parity forecasts of the brokers still take over over $ 3 months in favor of depreciation of the euro.

The dirham liquidity spraces should in turn align 1 month and 2 months at the point levels and tighten themselves by 3 months in order to calm down at a slightly higher level.

Under these conditions, the target levels of the USD/MAD parity are 10.00; 10.00 and 10.01 on horizons of 1, 2 and 3 months against a 9.72 spot course. The target level of EUR/MAD parity is 10.35; 10.35 and 10.41 in Horizons 1, 2 and 3 months against a spot of 10.55.

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