Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Perfect Horror Movie on Tubi


From Chris Snellgrove
| Published

I’m a huge horror fan, but there are two things that usually stop me from watching a scary movie: bad reviews and a bad cover. Unfortunately, the year is 2015 Last girl suffers from both, which is why I kept ignoring the film, no matter how many times my various algorithms shoved it in my face. I finally gave in and watched this movie for free on Tubi, and I’m happy to report that despite what the haters said, it’s a near miss perfect Horror film.

The final cast of girls catches the eye

The cast of Last girl is pretty slim, but there are some pretty big names in it, including Abigail Breslin (known for Little Miss Sunshine) as the titular final girl and Wes Bentley (known for American Beauty And Interstellar) as her no-nonsense trainer. She is trained by a mysterious organization that gives her James Bond-level abilities to help her kill evil people. In this film, the evil people are a quartet of murderous boys led by a charismatic sociopath (Alexander Ludvig, best known for The Hunger Games and the Vikings TV show).

Although it’s not for everyone, I really enjoyed it Last girl for its lean storytelling, including the fact that we don’t learn many precise details about who this mysterious organization is, what its purpose is, or even the exact year in which this historical piece is set. It’s the ultimate show-don’t-tell horror film, and that’s only fitting because of director Tyler Shields. Shields is actually a photographer by profession, and it is to his credit that he gives each frame of the film a signature style that strikes the balance between the artistic excess and the artistic excess Zack Snyder and the arthouse minimalism of Jim Jarmusch.

Attention Buffy fans

Abigail Breslin in Final Girl

If you like horror movies, you might like it Last girl subverts expectations in the good tradition of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The villains are a quartet of teenage killers whose sinister ploy involves picking an unsuspecting target, taking them into the woods, and revealing his plan to hunt and kill them while wearing a tuxedo. They want Breslin’s character to be their next target, not knowing that she has spent her entire life killing these types of scumbags in the most brutal and creative ways.

The film is equally creative, but that can be hard to appreciate unless you look past its very typically dreamy design. It’s basically the classic revenge story with the twist that the potential victim is willing to turn the tables, a bit like what you’d get if Buffy Summers hunted human monsters instead of undead. Despite some very familiar tropes on display, this film’s dialogue is brilliant, the cinematography is stunning, and the kills are both unpredictable and satisfying, making this a film that is greater than the sum of its trope parts.

Not enough reviews

Unfortunately, not everyone liked it Last girl almost as much when it came out (first as a limited theatrical release and then on video-on-demand). To Rotten tomatoesthe film currently has a critical rating of 25 percent, albeit from only 12 critics. And while every fan likes to say that the critics did their favorite movies dirty, in this case most critics were really wrong, complaining about things like the simple plot and the film being too violent. What the hell did they expect from you? horror Film?

That’s correct Last girl isn’t going to blow you away with a complicated plot straight out of a Chris Nolan movie, but I maintain that the best slasher films are the ones that stick to the classic film formula Friday the 13th and still manages to surprise us with a few unexpected twists. That’s exactly it Last girl does: It follows the formula of hunting and killing unsuspecting victims in the forest, but turns those victims into potential perpetrators. The result is the rare scary film where we can root for the brutal murderess as she goes about murdering some of the absolute worst people.

You will find Last girl as exciting as I am, or do you agree with the critics that this attempt at an artistic slasher doesn’t hit the cinematic vein? The only way to find out is to stream it for free on Tubi. I want to leave you with a simple reminder that I wish someone had told me when this movie came out in 2015: It’s a lot, much better than its terrible cover suggests.

Last girl streams is Tubi.

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