It’s dangerous Have epiphanies while shaving. But in this case it was inevitable: my revelation was about shaving.
In the past few weeks my bathroom routine has been a bit like George Clooney in O brother, where are you?Less of the stinking dapper Dan. I shave with a brush and a bowl with an old-fashioned simple sheet single edge of safety razor.
In particular, I use the leaf thorn-one stylish and well-marked and natural “aggressive” single-grade razor, whose houses are liable that the company impresses them with the words “I am no plastic”. The less aggressive sheet single Edge razor is called branch and should be gentler than the thorn. It’s all very cute.
But what I learned with the thorn after weeks of baby-smooth shaving is that I shave wrongly.
Stay sharp
The revelation was something that initially appears obvious: the best and safest blade is always the sharp. The The best kitchen knife is that you keep. The same applies to scissors and to the blades that you put on your own face. The low-tech-low-tech single sheet of the sheet cut as narrowly and well as any chic cartridge setup that I tried on the market. The reason was mostly that it was still sharp.
Photo: Matthew Korfhage
Because here is: it does not matter whether you have a 15-layer-stacked blade cartridge with whistles, lights and rapid rapid AI. Stumping blades are terrible and everyone blades are boring when used. And when blades become dull, start hunting on my hair instead of cutting them, irritating my skin and causing small notches when the skin clamps. Unfortunately, the modern razor blades based on cartridges that dominate the supermarket are expensive and often impractical to constantly replace: approx. $ 30 or $ 40 for a pack of 10.
The price adds up. Time The magazine already knew this game in 1927: “As everyone knows, safety razors are managed from the large A bit of a mythBut the business logic of the shaving remains unstoppable: the money is in the blades.
So I contradict to exchange too long. And then pay the price. Even if Gillette and other razor manufacturers advertise that their blade cartridges are good for weeks, my own rough, evil, steel -dressed shock madness, which eats them much earlier than I want to replace them, tends. Either I continue to pay blade rates or pay my taxes in the form of a not good, very bad shave.
The security dance
The sheet offers an opposing shave theory: the money under control. Instead, the blades are cheap, small and omnipresent. The thorn is an old -fashioned security razor in the heart. It is compatible with pretty much some good old -fashioned safety blade, be it the classic Star platinum (You have to snap the double edge in half) or Leafs Own sound. Packs of a hundred are less than 20 US dollars.
Photo: sheet