Best weightlifting shoes for 2025
Since weightlifting shoes are a unique type of footwear, we sought feedback from experts on the features we should look for when purchasing these shoes.
They correspond to the size: Weightlifting shoes typically run true to size to fit your foot measurements exactly. “This is because when you’re doing squats or Olympic lifting, you don’t want to move at all in the shoe because the shoe should move firmly with you as you lift,” explains Matt Scarfo, a certified personal trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
Additionally, you want to make sure the shoe is stable and supportive. “You shouldn’t be too comfortable to walk around in because the platform of the shoe should be stiff so you can transfer all of your power through the shoe to the ground,” says Scarfo.
Phung Trana board-certified exercise physiologist with the American College of Sports Medicine, adds that if you have wide feet, it’s okay to go up a half size to make the shoe fit more comfortably. “Also, keep in mind that weightlifting shoes don’t help with flat feet as much because they don’t provide any cushioning to the soles,” explains Tran, adding, “It’s up to you to do exercises to improve the strength of your arch and calf muscles .” “
“Don’t buy by brand, buy by fit, because you need to try on shoes from different brands to find out which one feels best for you,” says Tran. “It doesn’t matter how cool the shoe looks or how many high-tech features it has, because if they aren’t comfortable, training becomes a challenge,” she points out. When purchasing weightlifting shoes, remember that comfort and stability are key.
Shoes with a raised heel: One of the types of weightlifting shoes you will come across has a raised heel. These usually feature laces and a Velcro strap on the top to keep your feet extra secure. These shoes are best if you are doing Olympic weightlifting exercises that include the clean and snatch. It is also beneficial if you do exercises like squats and try to get deeper into the squat.
“Weightlifting shoes with heels help people with limited ankle mobility by elevating the heels and reducing the angle between the shin and the top of the foot, thereby improving squat depth,” explains Scarfo. He says you should only use these shoes for squats and Olympic weightlifting because they provide a stable base for entering the squat and engage the hamstrings to lift out.
That’s all they’re good for. “You should definitely not use weightlifting shoes with heels when deadlifting, as these shoes can shift your center of gravity forward, causing you to put too much strain on your back while deadlifting and increasing your risk of injury,” he warns.
Flat sole shoes: There are also weightlifting shoes that fall into the category of flat soles or minimalist shoes. These are solid, flat and have a zero-drop sole, meaning there is no height difference between the heel and toes. “Look for good ankle support, excellent grip, and a flexible sole when choosing a minimalist training shoe,” says Tran. The flexible sole helps optimize performance in everything from plyometric exercises to heavy lifts.
This style tends to be more versatile because, unlike the heeled weightlifting shoe, it can be used for all your exercises and even cardio exercises. “However, these won’t help you squat without stretching a little,” says Scarfo. This does not mean that it is impossible to achieve the proper ankle flexion required for a no-heels squat.
Scarfo recommends foam rolling, calf stretches, and plenty of ankle stretches to prepare your Achilles tendon for your workouts. This should also include a long warm-up so that your body is prepared to stabilize your ankles during these workouts.