Battlestar Galactica has ruined almost the entire show with a canceled season 1 story

Battlestar Galactica has ruined almost the entire show with a canceled season 1 story

From Chris Snellgrove
| Published

The Battlestar Galactica Restart mentioned God quite a bit as a figure that worship both the cylons and a handful of people as a deity that differs from the gentlemen of Kobol. This figure seemed to be an abstract belief for a large part of the show until the series finale more or less confirmed that this higher figure was real and that some of our characters had received divine visions. While the Battlestar Galactica The fan community is divided to make this deity a tangible force in the universe. Most fans do not recognize that God was almost introduced at the end of the first season.

Battlestar Galactica almost threw God occupied

The two -part final of the first season ā€œKobolā€™s Last Glosā€ was a show stopper in which the fleet of Kobol discovered and hoped that he would show the way to the earth. In the meantime, tensions and power struggles between President Roslin and Commander Adama are being created, the latter unexpectedly shot by Boomer after successfully destroying a cylon base star. The Battlestar Galactica The episode had a bit of everything, but the producers included Baltar, who recognized a Jimi Hendrix song and discovered a God character that Dirk Benedict had been played.

To say unnecessarily, it would have been brave for brave Battlestar Galactica To introduce a tangible god in season 1, and showrunner Ronald Moore always liked to take such large narrative swings. Then why didnā€™t we speak Benedictā€™s God character with Baltar? In short, Syfy Executive Mark Stern thought that the whole thing sounded Hokey, and Moore agreed and ultimately cut this property out of ā€œKobolā€™s last shineā€ as a whole.

In exceptional cases, we look forward to interfering with the network because such an introduction to God would have ruined the rest of the show. This is because the things that Moore reluctantly removed from the final of the first season Battlestar Galactica In later seasons, the fans, including the random use of a Jimi Hendrix song and the revelation of the series finale, hated that God is real. At that point, the saving grace of the show was that it was so popular that these story storytelling parts were not enough to sink the show, and even the failed landing of a series final was not enough to destroy our collective impression of the show.

But imagine whether the first season of Battlestar Galactica ended with a character that had a heart-to-heart with a literally god after looking Jimi Hendrix. To be honest, ā€œHokeyā€ is probably too generous a description for this Bonkers idea. It was bad enough to accept characters who hear Hendrix in later seasons, especially after the series finale had confirmed that he would not be born for many millennia. And the confirmation of Godā€™s existence would probably bring all future stories out of balance because the fans would have to discuss if there are free will or if everything (um) happens from his command.

Fortunately for all of us Battlestar Galactica In this wild idea of the first season and did not torture ourselves with revelations about God or Hendrix until much later. These later points of action became the weakest aspects of the entire series, and we are grateful that they did not appear earlier and ruin the showā€™s renewal opportunities. If that had been done, fans would likely address a higher power to bring this seed Sci-fi Series back.

And they know what that would mean: a much From very specific fan mail for Dirk Benedict.

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