In 2024, the Auto Nejma emphasized in a context that is marked by an increase of 9.2% of the Moroccan automotive market.
The concession made a sales volume of 36%, four times higher than that of the market for sales, which was estimated over the year of +27% of 2.22 billion icalo in 2023 to 2.83 billion DH in 2024 in the 4th quarter of 2024. The CA was founded with 891 million DH around 633 million DH. T4-2023, an increase of 40%. “This service is due to the good behavior of all business segments of the company and an increase in sales of BYD,” explains the automotive concessionaire.
In the past financial year, investments in the last quarter were quantified with 56.43 million dh, half of the investments in 2024, which was 116, 23 million DH and mainly consisted of the construction of the Agadir branch. The company also improves its cash. Even with a negative value of 220.9 million DH on December 31, 2024, the net money won 43 million DH despite the normal return of vehicles compared to the end of 2023.
The company counts on positive prospects that are borne by the expansion of the BYD area and the arrival on the market of hybrid models. With regard to the investment, it will continue its renovation of its sales points and at the same time continue its efforts to expand its network in order to support the growth of its activities.