Captain Janeway’s largest idol was played by Kate Mulgrew’s greatest fan

Captain Janeway’s largest idol was played by Kate Mulgrew’s greatest fan

From Chris Snellgrove
| Published

Few early episodes of Star Trek: Travel are as unforgettable as “The 37’s”, an episode in which Captain Janeway meets her idol Amelia Earhart. It is a great episode in itself, but it is even more worthwhile to see if you know that the woman who played the personal idol of the captain was the greatest fan of women behind Janeway. Kate Mulgrew was absolutely idolized After the actor Sharon Lawrence and the two, an immediate bond formed during the production of this episode.

Kate Mulgrew meets her biggest fan

What most Voyager The fans do not know that Sharon Lawrence would never have taken the part of Amelia Earhart, if not her fangirl love with Kate Mulgrew. In contrast to many who made the Kame in this famous franchise, Lawrence was not really familiar Star Trek outside of The original series. Therefore, she only took the role of her interest in playing Earhart and her desire to meet Mulgrew, someone she had adoted in the soap opera since the main role of the older woman Ryan’s hope.

It may seem strange to think for modern Star Trek fans, but at that time Kate Mulgrew’s show needed the Sharon Lawrence Cameo far More than the actor. Lawrence had recently been nominated for an Emmy for her performance in the Buzzworthy drama Nypd BlueSo she provided a real star force for the premiere of the second season of this young virgin Sci-fi Spinoff. What she did about the role later she later said that she was excited to present “one of our biggest national heroes” on the screen, and she soon fell in love with the idea that her character developed a friendship with Janeway and that these two feminist icons, which have been separated from centuries, gave the chance to work together.

Fortunately they work with Kate Mulgrew Sharon Lawrences lived the greatest hopes: she reported that “it was a pleasure to work with her” and “I was just so impressed by her professionalism”. Between the scenes, the two found the two time to combine various things they had in common, including a theatrical background. Lawrence also took the time to ask Mulgrew how she juggles as an actress and mother, which many of her worshiped Star Trek fans have been surprised over the years.

While Kate Mulgrew always turns a great performance, her outstanding acting in “The 37s” was partly due to the presence of Sharon Lawrence. The younger actor previously explained that “the relationship that Earhart and Janeway shared was easily influenced by the relationship that Kate and I shared.” This is reflected in her chemistry on the screen and explains why Lawrence fans could leave such an impression, even though it only appeared for a single episode.

Another reason why Kate Mulgrew and Sharon Lawrence were probably so well communicated is that they have the same pronounced feminist ideals. Lawrence looked back on her time together and found that playing “of the same age and leaders” instead of playing in a “domestic or familiar relationship … to always be good for me”. Their time together was a bit of serveripity, which allowed two fearless icon icons to inspire a new generation of women, to courageously go to fields that they had never gone before.

Unfortunately, this is the only episode in which Kate Mulgrew and Sharon Lawrence had the chance to act side by side. But these actors made their time together optimal and increased an already strong script into an episode that Voyager Fans will never forget. And as far as Janeway is concerned, it is fair to say that this fictional character has joined the real Amelia Earhart in the annals of the most inspiring women in modern history.

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