Maghrebail shows a net profit of 135.63 million icing for the 2024 financial year, a growth of 6.12% compared to the end of December 2023. According to the companies specializing in leasing, the results showed 4.12 billion DH compared to 31/12/2024.
As of December 31, 2024, the outstanding net accounting was 12.46 billion ie, which rose to an increase of 1.87 % compared to one year. “This outstanding argument is distributed up to 65% for devices and 35% for real estate,” said the company. The Boa subsidiary retains its positioning with a market share of 23.11%. With regard to the 2024 financial year, the net allocations of provisions for debts are 76.5 million icon compared to 71.2 million DH in the previous year. In addition, the coverage rate of claims suffered from the provisions is 87.31% at the end of December last year.
Note that the Board of Directors proposes to present the ordinary general assembly of the shareholders of the ordinary general assembly, the distribution of a dividend of 53 dH/measures.