OCP Africa has taken an important step in his commitment to support Nigeria’s agricultural transformation with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on March 10th.
“This strategic agreement strengthens our partnership with the most important interest groups, including the Ministry of Finance, the Nigeria Soverägn Investment Authority (NSIA), the National Agricultural Development Fund (NADF) and the Association of Producers and Numbers by Nigeria (FEPSAN)”The Pan -African subsidiary of the world giant of phosphate fertilizers indicates.
This MOU sets customs stores for fertilizers P (TSP and others). It also refers to soil cartography initiatives, the joint development of a local granulation factory for soil correction additives and the development of GIS platforms (geographical information systems). Finally, the Mou will enable digital solutions to use precision agriculture and to strengthen the F&E for sustainable agriculture.
This agreement is signed after a high visit to the Nigerian stakeholders in OCP Africa at the beginning of this year, where the discussions on improving the presidential initiative via fertilizers (PFI) and the guarantee of continuous sustainability in the context of the program for food and food sovereign program focused on.