Imam in France sentenced to “apology for terrorism”

Imam in France sentenced to “apology for terrorism”

A French judge on Monday was sentenced to a four-month prison sentence and a two-year ban on the French territory, the head of the Al Farouk Mosque in Pessac, Abdourahmin Ridouane, for allegations of the “Sorry for Terrorism”.

Ridouane, supposedly a respected figure in the local Muslim community and founder of the mosque he led. was taken In custody, in October in October, after he was accused of describing Hama’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh as the “brother, father, resistance fighter and tireless commander”.

However, the Imam was faced with an exclusion process and was deployed to an administrative authority, a French Ministry of the Interior initiated on August 8.

His lawyer Stieren Guez Guez described the conviction as a “GAG procedure” that aimed at it impede Ridouan’s release and argued that his defendant “has been contacted by his relatives since August 8, 2024 and was kept by the Pessac Mosque by the Pessac Mosque that he had created”.

“We condemn the speed at which the public prosecutor’s office reacted to the report of the Ministry of the Interior to block the opportunity to release the head of the Pessac Mosque,” said the lawyer. “In just 48 hours, a man was taken into custody, while it took more than 12 months for an investigation to open against Meyer Habib, the Palestinian described as” cancer “.”

In addition to his support for Palestine and his resistance groups targeted of authorities about his criticism of French neocolonial politics in Niger, his country of origin.

Although he was in prison in August, the French authorities could not deport Ridouane, since Niger did not issue a “consular passport”, which is the only document that allows his deportation without his passport.

France in February last year deported Another imam of the Tunisian origin, which the authorities considered “radical” after he described the French flag “Satanian”. French Minister of Justice Gerald Darmanin praised The new immigration laws that made this deportation possible.

“This would not have been possible without the Immigration Act. Strength is the rule, ”said Darmanin about the ban on the Imam, which has lived in France for 38 years.

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