Morocco leads African countries in 2025 economic freedom index

Morocco leads African countries in 2025 economic freedom index

Rabat – Morocco has secured The top rank of the list of North African countries in the index Economic Freedom Index 2025 according to the index of economic freedom.

At the global level, the North African country secured the 86 point with a score of 60.3, while in the Middle African (Mena) region, Morocco’s economy was on 7 out of 14 countries in front of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

The report found that the country’s score improved by 3.5 points compared to the previous year.

Morocco’s economy is considered “moderately free” in accordance with the 2025 index.

The report published by the Heritage Institute on Economic Freedom Index takes several factors into account in order to publish the total number of points.

For this, Morocco has proven with regard to the regulatory environment as well as in terms of freedom of business (68.9) and the freedom of money (74.7) above the world average, while the freedom of work (48.5) is below the world average.

In the meantime, the Open Markets components have recorded higher scores and recorded 67.2 for the freedom of trade and 75 for the freedom of investment and financial freedom.

The report also shows that the “average average tariff rate of 13.9 percent” and adds that both foreign and domestic investors are generally equal according to the law of Morocco.

In addition, the “competitive financial sector of the North African country Fort To grow and offer a number of financing options. The stock exchange does not limit any foreign participation. “

This commendable progress in increasing its economic freedom is due to the ongoing reforms of Morocco, which promote greater dynamics of the private sector, which in turn improved competitiveness and productive basic diversification on the market.

It was also signaled that Morocco’s monetary stability was maintained with relatively modest inflation.

However, while the report pointed out obvious improvements in the country’s index of the country’s freedom of economic freedom, it was mentioned that “some challenges will require deeper institutional reforms”.

It was particularly argued that “procedures for setting up and registering private companies are more optimized, but the license requirements are still relatively expensive”.

Read too: HCP: Morocco’s economy generated 82,000 jobs in 2024

The report also raised concerns about labor market stiffness in Morocco, which indicates that it “still holds dynamic employment growth”, while there is a marginalization of a large part of the employment population in the informal sector.

The index of economic freedom evaluates the economic policy and conditions of 184 countries for the period from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.

It is based on 12 indicators grouped In four main pillars, namely the rule of law (property rights, integrity of the government, justifia), state size (state expenditure, tax burden, fiscal health), regulatory efficiency (economic freedom, freedom of work, monetary freedom), open markets (freedom of trade, freedom of investment, financial freedom).

Each indicator is rated on a scale from 0 to 100, the average of all 12 forms the end result of the country.

The report then classifies countries in five categories: free (80 to 100 points), mostly free (70 to 79.9 points), moderately free (60 to 69.9 points), mainly unfree (50 to 59.9 points) and suppressed economically (0 to 49.9 points).

Mauritania (mostly unfree category), Egypt 145 (mostly incorrect category), Tunisia 149 (economically oppressed category) and Algeria 160 (economically suppressed category) took the 119th (mostly unfree category).

On a global level, the five best positions went to Singapore (84.1 points), Switzerland (83.7 points), Ireland (83.1 points), Taiwan (79.7 points) and Luxembourg (79.5 points).

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