On the occasion of the international day of Women, Arts and Campus Campus in Rabat, women in technical Moroccoo, the Moroccan antenna of the world organization women in technology and public consensus relationships, “8 eight joke -women in technical surprise calls”, a unique initiative for inspiration for students and the ceremonial of women in the technological sector through a powerful giveback exercise. In the heart of the Rabat Campus, a telephone booth rang 24 times the day, which was specially installed for the occasion. Every call, a student had the privilege of interacting with a leading woman in the technological sector, from the women in Tech Network to benefit from her experience, advice and her inspiring career.
In this issue, eight Moroccan women, eight African women and eight international women are emphasized that illustrate the wealth of paths and the variety of experiences in the technological sector: managers, some of whom represent important personalities of the Moroccan, African and international technological landscape, have their experiences, the future industries, to transmit the cultures in order to transmit the backdrop of the backdrop to transfer the cultures of the industry. Among them: Saloua Karkri Belkziz, Ex-DG, Inetum/Apebi (Morocco), Lamiae Benmakhlouf, General Director of Technopark (Morocco), Malika Ahmidouch, co-founder Aishore (Morocco), Rokaya MBengue, Association Women and TIC (Sengal), Vera Noubengue, Association, Association, Association, Association, Association, Association, Association, Association, and TIC (Sengal (Germany), Jumana Al Darwish, CEO The Happy Box (Emirates Arabic United), Anna Ambrozevich, IT leader and director of Pay Women in Tech Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan), Nadia Habsatou, CEO, Learn & Adaptation (Cameroon), Niel Djabli, CEO, Aicrafters (Morokco) Dioub, CEO of Africa, Camusat (Senegal/France), Soha al Baklawi, consultant and CEO (Egypt).
Through this exchange, not only celebrating the inspiring courses of these women, the initiative “8 Eight Witzwomen in Tech Surprise Calls” shows how important it is to promote mentoring and the exchange of experiences in order to promote the diversity and representativity of women in the industry by researching the opportunities in technology, breaking the stereotypes that have been completed and projecting themselves Project to project and break yourself into the lead of the Techs and project yourself.
With “Women in Tech Surprise Calls”, Rabat Campus Arts and Campus Cams, women in Tech Morocco and public consensus relationships confirm their joint commitment to the inclusion and development of talents in the technological areas. This event is an essential step towards promoting diversity and inclusion in technological professions and shows the importance of the exchange of experiences and mentorship for the development of the next generation of managers. A new strong action in favor of equal opportunities and promoting career in technology.