Tangier Airport: an expansion project at 3.27 mmdh by 2029

Tangier Airport: an expansion project at 3.27 mmdh by 2029

A household envelope of more than 3.27 billion dirhams (MMDH) was assigned to the financing of the Tangier IBN Batouta Airport project. This extension aims to triple the capacity of the airport, which will run 2 to 7 million passengers per year.

The project is monitored by a partnership agreement between several ministries, the national office of the airports (ONDA), the Wilaya of the Tanger-Touan-Al Hceima region, the regional council, the Tangier Municipal Council and the Loukkos Hydraulic Basin Agency. The agreement was approved by the majority during the ordinary meeting of the Council of Council.

The work that will extend over almost 199 hectares will include the construction of a new passenger terminal, a new control tower, aircraft and vehicle parking spaces as well as the establishment of modern devices such as e-gate and smart systems. A new access route is also equipped.

A steering committee, chaired by the Wali of the region, will ensure the smooth project. The work must be completed before June 2029 to meet the growing air traffic needs and contribute to the tourist and economic development of the region.


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