Three people died on Thursday with a tragic crash on the highway between Kenitra and the outcome of the bouknadel exit.
The crash occurred as a personnel vehicle from the Technopolis industrial zone turned in sales and landed on the opposite track. 12 persistent InjuriesWith five in critical condition.
Early reports stated that the crash occurred due to a tire eruption, which led to the driver losing control of the vehicle.
Nothtams hurried to scene And transported the injuries to Moulay Abdellah Hospital on sale.
The authorities have opened an investigation to find out the exact cause of the crash.
In the past few weeks, traffic safety has been a growing problem. From February 3 to 9, 27 people died and 2,873 were injured in 2,126 accidents in urban areas, reports the General Directorate for National Security (DGSN).
Most accidents occur due to driver errors, such as not giving in, accelerating or driving under influence. The DGSN also found that 53,792 traffic sentences were spent in the same week and that 9.8 million (980,000 US dollars) were brought in via MAD.