David Hasselhoff and ex Pamela Bach’s relationship time bar

David Hasselhoff and ex Pamela Bach’s relationship time bar

David Hasselhoff and ex-wife Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff were married for 17 years.

Hasselhoff and Bach-Hasselhoff met in 1985 when they appeared in his TV series Knightly riderAnd they married three years later.

After 17 years of marriage – and inviting Daughters Taylor Ann and Hayley – The couple called it. In an interview from 2007 Larry King liveBach-Hasselhoff claimed that she divorced the actor because of his drug abuse problems.

“I tried and thought when I only exhaust the bottles if I was only at his side if I only baby, give him more love, do more for him or get him to see himself, it will be there,” she said. “But the disease of alcoholism is torn. It is an astonishing disease. And it is very chaotic. It is a family disease. “

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She added: “The most important thing is that I only pray that he gets help because (my daughters) love their father. … I want you to have a really good, healthy relationship with your father. It is as if an alcoholic is wrapped around a bottle and then the family and friends wrapped around the alcoholic. We will protect it. “

The Baywatch Alaun then revealed in a statement in August 2007 that He is a relaxing alcoholic and suffered a short relapse.

“Although I got a painful divorce and recently separated from my children due to my work, I have successfully dealt with my problem,” said Hasselhoff. “Unfortunately, one evening I had a short relapse, but part of the recovery is relapse.”

Bach-Hasselhoff died 28 years later at the age of 62.

Scroll on to visit the relationship time bar from Hasselhoff and Bach-Hasselhoff over the years:


David Hasselhoff and ex wife Pamela Bach's complete relationship time bar over the years 860
Michael Tran/Filmmagic

Hasselhoff and Bach-Hasselhoff met on the set of Knightly rider When she landed a guest role in the guests. Later he wrote in his 2006 memoirs, Make waves, that his future woman was “a beautiful blonde with green eyes”.

At that time, both stars were in relationships with other people. (Hasselhoff on his part was married to the Catherine HicklandWhile Bach-Hasselhoff went out with a comedian.)

Their relationship status changed in 1988 each when they were connected again.

“I went to the opening of a club called The Last Tango in Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Pamela was there. “Are you still with the comedian?” ‘NO. Are you still married? “Hasselhoff wrote. “‘NO.’ That night we talked and spoke.

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All about the Globus trotter. With US Weekly, David Hasselhoff only shared several funny facts about himself-many of them are connected to trips. “A place where I really want to go to China,” said the Baywatch Alaun, 70, and added that it was curious whether it is recognized in overseas. His dream trip to Asia would certainly include the food (…)

December 1989

Next year Hasselhoff married Bach-Hasseloff.

May 1990

David Hasselhoff and ex wife Pamela Bach's complete relationship time bar in the course of 863

The first child of the then couple, daughter Taylor Ann, was born on May 5th.

August 1992

David Hasselhoff and ex wife Pamela Bach's complete relationship time bar in the course of 865

Two years later, Taylor-Ann became a big sister when Bach-Hasselhoff gave birth to daughter Hayley on August 26th.

January 2006

Hasselhoff applied for a divorce, quoted unforgettable differences, and The couple fought for custody by Taylor-Ann and Hayley. At one point, Hasselhoff briefly lost visiting rights after a relapse from 2007. They were restored when the acting legend became sober again.

David Hasselhoff ex Ms. Pamela Bach dead with 62

Related: David Hasselhoff’s ex-wife Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff dead with 62

David Hasselhoff’s ex-wife Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff died at the age of 62. Bach-Hasselhoff died according to the medical examiner of the district of La County. Sources of law enforcement announced TMZ that paramedics were called on Wednesday, March 5, after 10 p.m. after 10 p.m. after 10 p.m. in response to a report on an unconscious woman (TMZ was the first to break (…) (…)

July 2018

Hasselhoff found love again Hayley Roberts And You got married on July 31st in Italy.

March 2025

After the news broke that Bach-Hasselhoff died by suicide At the age of 63, Hasselhoff made an explanation.

“Our family is deeply sad about the recent death of Pamela Hasselhoff,” he said. “We are grateful for the expression of love and support in this difficult time, but we call for privacy while we mourn and navigate this challenging time.”

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