From Robert Scucci
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In September 2013, the viral YouTube video was unleashed. Nicolas Cage loses his SH*TAnd it has changed the world forever. During this clip in which Clint Mansell is important Requiem for a dream Film scores like our national treasure in different phases of increased emotions are cases of cage rage that I have never seen Dead case Recently. In contrast to other super fans, I’m not looking for Nicolas Cage Take titles, but let me find me when the moment is right – and let me tell you how the wild March breeze, which is currently defeating my window, I was found, I was seen, and Nicolas Cage was heard, who roared through my apartment and screamed at shirt because someone tried to kill him.
Enlarge the fraudster
Christopher Coppolas Dead case Is an ambitious but poorly executed neo-noir crime drama, which focuses on Joe Donan by Michael Biehn, an artist who is looking for instructions from his uncle Lou (James Coburn) after having accidentally murdered his father Mike (also James Coburn) during a spiked operation. Joe shot with a weapon with gaps to optics, he realizes to his horror that the dummy rounds with living ammunition were exchanged for his knowledge and in the worst possible time.
Joe didn’t know what else to do and decided to listen to his father’s dying words, who tell him that he should find a family secret that he calls “cake”, which should be easy enough to track down when Uncle Lou is ready to reveal the information after the sudden death of his brother.
Recognize Dead caseJoe reluctantly marks together with Nicolas Cages Eddie and his girlfriend Diane (Sarah Trigger) to get the country, collect a few debts and a handful of low-level scams to lead to the hell, while Lou ensures that the large fraudster, whom he orchestrates, falls without a Hitch.
Hit out of his pumpkin
Joe would rather keep a low profile, while he finds out his role in the elaborate fraudster that Lou is set up, but Eddie is a slave for his impulses, has a sick thrill when he finds unsuspecting sacrifice from her money, and can drink too much for himself.
Dead case It begins to warm up when Joe is romantically involved with Diane, and triggers a chain of events, the Eddie, the loose cannon he is, in the form of flocking on the bed, brings it up like a fish, and shouted: “I know what that is! Lou tries to sniff me because his greasy little nephew is nearby! Well, Vive la f*cking France, man! ”
I have no idea which point Eddie is trying to convey during this scene Dead caseBut I will be damn if I would tell you that it was not cut out with the greatest conviction.
Not for Thriller fans, but for Nicolas Cage fans.
Here is the thing About Nicolas Cages Eddie in Dead case: He’s totally crazy. He calls Strippers “Mom-Day”, carries a card game around that are all joker, and screams “Hi-f*cking-ya!” When he comes into fighting and decides that karate hoes is the best way out of a sticky situation. Nothing makes sense in this film.
But everything he does makes this film worth it.
Because so-the-drilling numbers Dead case Is a criminal trimer, Nicolas Cage’s performance is So exaggerated That I can’t help but appreciate how he made an otherwise indescribable film in the stuff of legend, with his willingness to explore Eddie’s character as possible.
And only two years after the representation of Eddie in to think Dead caseNicolas Cage won an Oscar for his performance in Las Vegas Leave. You say that the exercise is perfect and I would like to think that Dead case (at the moment Streaming For free on tubi) was one of the necessary jumping stones to put Nicolas Cage on the map that leads directly to our hearts.