From Chris Snellgrove
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Nowadays the Star Trek franchise is in a precarious position. Both discovery And Lower decks were canceled early and Section 31 Was a direct mess that killed all the remaining fan enthusiasm for future films from Paramount. And while Strange new worlds If a touch of fresh air (and fresh hair, thanks to Anshern Mounts Killer ‘do), it is clear that this franchise will need another hit show to remain relevant. The best idea for this has been around for over three decades: We need a Star Trek series that focuses on Captain Kirk second Five -year mission.
The mission we have never seen
If you just spit out your tea (early gray, hot), you may be surprised that both both Star Trek Chronology (what came out in 1993) and the Star Trek Encyclopedia (What came out in 1994) Both state that Kirk and Crew had a second mission of five years after the events of five years The film. There was effectively a time jump between The film And The anger of KhanAnd the unfortunate Admiral Kirk, whom we see in this second film, is one who has finally given up Gallivant in the galaxy. With A New Star Trek We were finally able to examine series exactly what happened between these two films.
At first glance you could think that the biggest hurdle to create such a Star Trek series William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. However, Strange new worlds has already given us younger versions of Main Original series Characters like Kirk, SpockUhura and Scotty as well as supporting characters such as Chapel and M’Benga. If these actors could repeat their roles for a future Star Trek seriesIt would require relatively little effort to fill new actors for remaining TOS characters such as McCoy, Sulu and Chekov.
The problem with this plan is, of course, that all of this Star Trek: strange new worlds Actors were occupied because they were young enough toOriginal series Versions of these famous characters. However, this is the beauty of this plan: SNW has not even broadcast its third season, and based on the popularity of the show, we can probably rely on the fact that it will stay nearby for a few years. Until this show wraps and Paramount Completes the pre-production of a new Star Trek series, all of these actors will be old enough (more or less) to play the role of Characters.
If you still think of this Strange new worlds The actors would be too young for this role, it could be worth thinking about the fact that William Shatner and his original crew were probably also old For the parts they played. You see, The original series‘The last season was 2269 and The film was discontinued at some point in the 2270s. Despite the full decade TMP should take place relatively soon to TOS between the end of the show and the first film.
Therefore, the actors in this proposed Star Trek series only have to look as old as the TOS -Crew, for example. In 1972. This year William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy were 41 years old. In the meantime, the current Kirk actor Paul Wesley is now 42 years perfect For a new Star Trek series that takes place afterwards The film.
Apart from a simple casting, such a series would be an advantage because it would Star Trek (2009) Film, bring new fans to the franchise. With regard to other shows, this franchise is always associated with Kirk, Spock and the classic Enterprise crew. A series that focuses on her previously unknown adventure would probably bring in a lot more fans than the Star Trek Origin film Paramount is currently developing.
Speaking of the biggest problem of this film is that he is reportedly focused on the first contact with Aliens and the formation of the federation, events that have already been treated First contact And Pursue. In order to express it easily, such an action will annoy older fans who alternately have an old canon and old stories that we have already seen. With my proposed new Star Trek series, Paramount could put on new fans and give old people that we have wanted to see for years: a version of the “lost years” of the franchise, which better contextualizes where our characters are (physically and emotionally) in The anger of Khan.
Given that Paramount broke out great shows as Star Trek: lower blanket While you express slop how Section 31It is doubtful that you will take my proposal for a new series very seriously. However, this is a shame, because such a show would be an easy profit for a franchise that desperate needs one and enables the producers to reuse Strange new worlds Sets. Instead, we stay with Starfleet AcademyA 90210 in the hail of space Mary from a franchise long time ago.