Melissa Gorga accuses the line -up of ruining ‘Rhonj’ with scheme, false drama and leaky stories!

Melissa Gorga accuses the line -up of ruining ‘Rhonj’ with scheme, false drama and leaky stories!

Melissa Gorga

Melissa Gorga accuses the line -up of ruining ‘Rhonj’ with scheme, false drama and leaky stories!

Melissa Gorga Don’t hold back when it comes to The Real Housewives of New Jersey’s Unexpected break.

Melissa Gorga

As a result of her on February 27th, from her See Podcast, Melissa45, addressed why Bravo Put the series in the waiting loop after the 14th season and speculated about what will come next for the 15th season – and in a potential hybrid cast.

“It is very difficult to create a real, real friendship with people who – even if the cameras are not switched on – are already planning what will happen when they are on,” she said. “This is what it has honestly killed in recent years,” she said. “It was a game. It was a constant game and it was a hunger game. “

Rhonj line -up

She continued and struck the constant strategy behind the scenes. “All the planning and planning, planning and conspiracy – I like:” Jesus Christ, ever sleeps? “I don’t know how to do something else. I have a lot of companies that I am running here. Believe me, I don’t plan Sh*t.”

Melissa Also called out certain actors not to change what she believes that she has stunted the development of the show. “Some people just can’t get out of their high horses or they cannot accept changes or invite new people,” she said.

Rhonj line -up

“They are almost unsure to have the change because it then means that they no longer be the head of the honcho,” she said. “This is how we progress in life. So we keep things interesting. “

“It cannot be the same 10 things over and over and over again or the same 10 lines. Someone banged my head against the wall. So over it, ”she added. Melissa It also announced how exhausting it aimed at around the clock through online leaks, which indicates that certain actors worked with bloggers to advance a story.

Melissa Gorga

“The shit that was going online would take the souls from us,” she said. “It was like 24 hours a day and we said: ‘Where do you get it from? Do these people work for someone? ‘”

Then she threw another excavation on her former co-stars and said: “You took care of it far too much. There are still a few out there who take care of it far too much. ” Although Bravo has not yet confirmed any details about it Rhonjs return, Melissa is convinced that the show will be back with a big ChanGees. “We have no answers (but) that I know from which I think it will come back,” she said.

Melissa Gorga

Accordingly MelissaIt is not likely that a restart of the line -up is not likely, but she believes that a hybrid cast – old and new faces – is the most likely scenario.

“I think it will be a hybrid. I think there will be some new, some old ones … I don’t think you will revise the whole show. You tried once, I don’t think you’ll do that. “She also confirmed that the show will not return in 2025.

Melissa Gorga

With Rhonjs The future is still uncertain, one thing is clear –Melissa is ready for a shock.

New Jersey’s Real Housewives is currently during a break, without no official return date being announced by Bravo.

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