It didn’t take long for Wireless earphones to Become omnipresent. Apple’s Airpods was launched in September 2016 and compete to remarkable real wireless headphones from Jabra, Sony, Samsung and others. Shortly afterwards, they became a choice for many of us when they listen to music, podcasts and streaming services on our telephones and tablets.
But wireless earphones can quickly become very dirty, since we not only use them a lot, but also take them everywhere: to work on public transport, on flights and anywhere. This applies in particular if you use it to cancel noise in a busy office – or simply work from home at the same time as family or roommates. This means that you come into contact with earwax, oils and skin cells. Apart from hygiene, you should clean your earphones (and their loadingfall), as this can lead to better -sounding, long -lasting headphones.
So you can do it quickly and efficiently. If you still hold a cable headphones (or try from DAC-Calable buds) Most of our cleaning tips apply -and you don’t have to worry about refreshing a charging case.
How to clean your wireless earphones
Mat Smith/Engadget
The cleaning process differs depending on what type of bud you have. First, there are wireless earphones with removable silicone (or plastic) buds like Samsung Galaxy BudsPresent Sony’s WF-1000XM5 Bud or most Battles budsand several models with a single solid body like Apple’s Airpods.
The main difference is that the removable tips are easier to clean. They are also interchangeable and replacement tips often come in the box. You can also use soap water or other mild cleaning products at particularly messy tips without being afraid to damage the electrical parts of your headphones.
Wipe the earphones and removable tips with A Microfiber cloth. Since most wireless buds are saved in one case, you can find that dirt has also shifted from the tips to the headphones. Apple says You can use “70 percent isopropyl alcohol swishPresent 75 percent ethyl alcohol wisch or Disinfection towels”In order to clean the exterior of its wireless headphones, it is advisable not to use wet wipes on the loudspeaker mesh parts of the AirPods. Samsung Instructions is on soft dry cloths and Cotton smears.
Remove the tips and carefully follow the inside of each bud with cotton swabs or a toothpick when you need something thinner. When detritus sticks around, you will build on a metal loop at the end of a metal loop Hörphone cleaning toolBut just go carefully. Metallic objects scratch and drill through with greater probability. The cleaning tool also has a brush at the other end to pull out every loose dirt. As soon as you are clear, wipe the sides of the tips with a slightly damp cloth.
The AirPods Pro Speaks each have a sensitive network membrane that easier to clean than membranes on the headphones themselves, but they are also fragile. Apple itself recommends that you can rinse the tips with water and added that you should not use soap or other cleaning products. If you use or rinse a damp cloth, put it on a dry cloth and let it dry completely before repeating it.
Apple recommends using cotton smears or a dry cloth for the microphone and speaker -Mesh parts of the AirPods. You can also use A Lamp air fanwhich should deliver a slight amount of strength to remove dirt without damage the electrical system. Although it may be stronger, they do not use canned air. Sony says this dust can continue to force them into the microphone or sound outlet holes.
How to clean the charging case of your wireless earphones
Mat Smith/Engadget
You may find that your load case is in poorer condition than your buds. With deep columns to pick up dirt from your buds when you charge, the suitcase can also absorb pocket food, well, bags and bags. In these cases, metal contacts are usually used to connect and load the buds, so that every structure of dirt or eye shower can actually influence that they charge their headphones. It is worth keeping the charging contacts clean. A soft cloth or a cotton smear for more difficult locations should be able to grasp everything your buds blocks in front of the shop. You can also use some air from a lamp air fan – I think that those with a tied brush are perfect for this.
You can use a thin toothpick for both earphones and the housing to pull away any dirt or wax enclosed in the seams of the device. Most earphones are shaped plastic, but some have edges and lines that collect dirt together.
If you find out A case for your case. There are endless theme and silicone cases for Apple’s Airpod family, but there are many options for buds from Samsung, Sony, Google and other companies.
The omnipresent wireless buds has several companies that now also offer all-in-one cleaning kits. This includes established peripheral companies such as Belkinwith a disposable kit with cleaning fluid to loosen any hard structure of wax and dirt, and Keybudzthat offers a reusable kit that contains various brush head commands, with which other devices can also be cleaned. This means that you may not need a whole kit, but suitable tools make things easier.
You should always use the most gentle cleaning devices before rubbing alcohol or a metallic tool. This reduces the likelihood that the often shiny plastic housing of your headphones will be damaged, and reduces the likelihood of damage the sensitive membranes that have many buds (and some ears). I speak from experience and perforated two AirPod membranes due to a enthusiastic cleaning. Even if you remove the tips, take care: With the WF-1000XM5 from Sony you have to Turn and pull them off. Simply follow the instructions of the manufacturers (we list some instructions below) together with our best tips below.
How to keep your wireless earphones clean
Now your buds look flawless and try to make them look like this. If you use your AirPods or Galaxy buds during your training, then wipe them off with a cloth to get the likelihood that moisture penetrates. The more often you check the condition of your wireless earphones, the easier it is to clean.
We will end this guide with a little digital hygiene: make sure that all companions apps are up to date. Sometimes these updates can add remarkably New functions Or improve performance. Your smartphone usually automatically transmits firmware updates according to the operating system and app updates to your earphones. So make sure you keep you near your phone nearby. This applies in particular to iPhones and AirPods that you do not notify when firmware updates are available. Check if you have the latest version of the firmware in iOS settings (you are likely to do it). If it is not up to date, make sure that both your iPhone and the AirPods are connected to the power supply and (decisively) near each other. The update should be broadcast on the AirPods pretty quickly, but you can also leave the devices next to each other overnight to ensure that the update takes place.
This article was originally on Engadget at
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