Is a low-Fodmap diet the answer to your digestive problems?

Is a low-Fodmap diet the answer to your digestive problems?

If you have experienced ongoing digestive problems, you know that certain foods can stimulate Your belly And cause all kinds of unpleasant symptoms – such as chronic stomach pain, gas, flatulence, diarrhea and constipation.

It can be difficult to determine exactly which food you feel unhappy, but the researchers have found that an elimination diet called low-FodMap diet names Can help alleviate digestive complaints By identifying the food that is most likely triggered.

If you have serious stomach problems, you should obtain the instructions of a qualified specialist. But if you wonder if a low-Fodmap diet can help you Beat the inflation And keep your stomach, here you should know.

What is a low-Fodmap diet?

Graphics shows what Fodmap foods are | Fodmap diet

Also referred to as a “FodMap diet” or “IBS diet”, a low-Fodmap diet works by temporarily cutting a certain group from your diet Carbohydrates Known as fod maps: fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccecharides, monosaccharides and polyols. By removing and reintroduction of this carbohydrates – – – which are badly (if at all) absorbed in your intestine -You can find out which high-fodmap foods can tolerate your intestine and which you can feel … um, shit.

Researchers at Monash University in Australia originally formulated the diet to address the role of this carbohydrates in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Is a low-Fodmap diet healthy?

As a short-term regime, a FODMAP diet is a safe way to find out which food may trigger your stomach problems so that you can get an urgently needed relief. But many healthy staple foods – including many LegumesPresent Whole grain productsPresent Fruits and vegetables – are high in fodmaps, so you definitely don’t want to ban all fod maps forever.

“We want people to eat these foods,” says Andrea N. Giancoli, Mph, RD “The idea is to identify more precisely which foods cause symptoms and slowly introduces the rest as part of one balanced diet. “”

Why you may need professional guidance

The removal and reintroduction can be a complicated process. Although you may be tried to fire a printable Fodmap food list and go to the DIY route, it is important that Talk to a nutritionist Anyone who specializes in stomach -intestine disorders and can lead them through every step.

“There are many things that can continue in the stomach and the small intestine, so it is important not to diagnose yourself,” says Giancoli. “You don’t want to make an elimination diet if it is not necessary or if it is not effective.”

For the beginning, the elimination phase is not as easy as the ban on all foods containing fodmaps. You may be able to tolerate certain high-fodmap foods in small portion sizes without triggering symptoms. For example, the wheat is on a low-Fodmap individual pane wheat bread now and then.

And Fodmap food lists are not as straightforward as they may seem. Bananas are, for example, high-fodmap if they are ripe, but with immature. Legumes are viewed as high-fodmap food, but chickpeas and lentils in doses tend to be lower in fodmaps, and smaller portion sizes may not solve any symptoms.

The reintroduction or challenge can also be difficult. Let’s be honest-with a list of food with a low fod map in hand, most of us do not know our disaccharides from our polyols. A nutritionist can lead you to your diet by steps in reintegration of each sub -group.

“It is very important to do this in a methodical way in order to determine which food and fodmap groups trigger symptoms and which does not,” says Alicia Galvin, RD

Conclusion: The tolerance of everyone for Fodmaps is different. Cooperation with a nutritionist can help you find out which food you should and not consume – and in what quantities – so that you do not restrict more than you no longer need for healthy foods and important nutrients.

Which foods can you eat on a low-Fodmap diet?

Image of low fodmap foods | Fodmap diet

According to researchers at Monash University, the following Low-Fodmap food Get a green light during the elimination phase:

  • Vegetables: Aubergine, green beans, BOK Choy, paprika, carrot, cucumber, salad, potato, tomato, zucchini
  • Fruit: Cantaloupe, grapes, kiwi, mandarin -oranges, oranges, pineapple, strawberry, unripe bananas
  • Dairy products and alternatives: Almond milk, Brie, Camembert, feta, hemp milk, hard cheese, lactose -free milk, soy milk Made from soy protein extract or “trained” soybeans
  • Protein: Eggs, solid tofu, simply cooked meat, seafood, Temph
  • Körner and alternatives: Mais (Cob, Polenta, Tortilla, Popcorn), Amaranth (Puss), oats, Bulgur, quino, millet, brown rice, buckwheat, Sorghum, sourdough bread, wheat/rye/barley
  • Sweets: Dark chocolate, maple syrup, rice malt syrup, table sugar
  • Nuts and seeds: Macadamia nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts

Which food should you avoid for a Fodmap diet?

Image of food high on Fodmaps | Fodmap diet

The following high-fodmap foods should generally be avoided during the elimination phase and gradually reintroduced with the help of a nutritionist.

  • Vegetables: Articke, asparagus, cauliflower, garlic, green peas, leek, mushrooms, onion, sugar snappers
  • Fruit: Apples, cherries, dried fruits, mangoes, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, watermelon, mature bananas
  • Dairy products and alternatives: Cow milk, pudding, vaporizing milk, ice, soy milk made from soybeans (In contrast to soy -protein extract or “trained” soybeans), sweetened condensed milk, yogurt
  • Protein: Sulery meat, marinated meat, processed meat
  • Körner: Bread with wheat/rye/barley, breakfast flakes, snack products
  • Sweets: High fruit corn syrup, honey, sugar -free sweets
  • Nuts and seeds: Cashwnuts, pistachios

Can you lose weight with a low-fodmap diet?

You could lose a few pounds just because you eliminate a lot of sugar-but this does not make this a weight loss diet.

“I never recommend this diet for weight loss – only as a therapeutic diet,” says Galvin. “Weight loss requires long-term nutritional and lifestyle changes, and a low-fodmap diet should not be followed in the long term.”

In addition, it is not a foolproof weight loss plan. A low-Fodmap diet not only makes it much more difficult to find healthy recipes, but they can still exaggerate them to food approved by FodMap such as tableled sugar and dark chocolate. But if you have to do with the gas, the flatulence and other complaints of the digestive control, the calming of your symptoms probably has priority before a quick weight loss.

It is repeated: This is not a do-it-yourself digestion strategy. Although a low-Fodmap diet is not easy under the care of your doctor and instructions from a registered nutritionist, it can be an effective way to find out which foods mess with your gastrointestinal system-and help you get some relief.

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