Rabat – Morocco continues to strengthen its position In the western Sahara, many countries reaffirm their determination to continue to support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Morocco about its southern provinces today during the 58th meeting of the Human Rights Council (HRC).
In a joint statement, a group of countries confirmed Morocco’s efforts to publish human rights in their territory, also in the southern provinces.
Ambassador and constant representative of Yemen in the Geneva Ali Mohamed Majwar read an explanation of the group of countries that supports the territorial integrity of Morocco, and remembered “constructive, voluntary and deep” interaction with the UN human rights system and notes that the North African country is able to promote human rights for many years, human rights to promote, and able to promote people in hand and are able to manage people near man.
The explanation also reminded the resolutions of the UN Security Council, which praised the national and regional human rights commissions in Morocco in Dakhla and Laayoune as well as international mechanisms between the North African country and the mechanisms in accordance with the special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council.
The group of the federal states also welcomed the opening of diplomatic representations by many countries in the cities of Dakhla and Laayoune and found that this is a “lever to strengthen economic cooperation, investments, the benefits of the local population, regional development and also continent.
In the declaration, the centrality of the non -managed political process focused on Sahara Dispute is a political dispute, which is addressed by the Security Council, which recognizes the autonomy plan as a credible and serious solution for a “final political decision of the regional dispute over the Sahara”.
The countries also renewed the support of the political process that was not managed on the basis of the format specified during the two Geneva round tables.
They called for the same format to continue in the safety resolutions of the UN, especially in solution 2756 of October 31, 2 2024.
“The solution to this regional dispute will help to meet the legitimate efforts of the African and Arab peoples in terms of integration and development,” concluded the explanation.
Morocco continues to celebrate diplomatic profits because global support for the country’s territorial integrity is increasingly supported.
In July last year, King Mohammed VI reminded of the diplomatic profits in the western Sahara dossier during his throntagraph in 2023.
“Seriously manifests itself in the way we deal with the question of our territorial integrity,” said the king.
The monarch added: “It is this seriousness, coupled with the legitimacy of our cause, which led to a number of decisions to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over its southern provinces.”